June 9, 2009

  • Supply and Demand Baby hell yeah!

    Rock Band 2 for PS3 finally went down in price. Ha ha ha ha. I’ve been wanting to get this for awhile at a discounted price. And now the demand has finally caused the supply to be in a surplus. Hell yeah time to cash in. Don’t mess out on this grrreat deal! This is courtesy of my oldest brother who told me about this deal. Check out www.gamestop.com

June 5, 2009

May 31, 2009

  • A poem from Cao Cao

    Though the Tortoise Lives Long

    Though the tortoise blessed with magic powers lives long,
    Its days have their allotted span;

    Though winged serpents ride high on the mist,
    They turn to dust and ashes at the last;

    An old war-horse may be stabled,
    Yet still it longs to gallop a thousand li;

    And a noble-hearted man though advanced in years
    Never abandons his proud aspirations.

    Man’s span of life, whether long or short,
    Depends not on Heaven alone;

    One who eats well and keeps cheerful
    Can live to a great old age.

    And so, with joy in my heart,
    I hum this song.

May 14, 2009

  • Thinking of a PDA

    But I can’t seem to find one that suits me. I just want a simple PDA that will help me stay organized in for future plans. I don’t need wi fi and all that other good stuff.

May 10, 2009

  • I’m not going to watch the NBA for awhile.

    Based on what I have read on the forums on the NBA website it seems that there is way too much bias for certain players. As a basketball fan I can’t stand the fact that players are allowed to get away with major faults despite their status, and players that have a bad history get bad calls. I believe in fairness, and so far in this post season I haven’t heard it being fair at all. So without further ado I am not going to watch the NBA or go to any NBA games for at least a year. My team is the Rockets, and I already knew that they were not likely to beat the Lakers in their series, but the calls made so far have been unfair and unjust. For god sakes man they have a chance to check out the replays and make any corrects needed. All well at least there’s always football, soccer, baseball, and hockey in Houston to watch.

May 9, 2009

May 7, 2009

May 6, 2009

May 5, 2009

  • Rockets sneak a W in LA

    Alright now if the Rockets can keep the pressure on the Lakers for the rest of their home games and if the Rockets can win their home games we set for the Western conference finals.

May 2, 2009

  • A funny comic

    You have to click on the strip to read it better. Here’s a link to the rest of the comics. Enjoy! http://peachifruit.deviantart.com/art/Zak-is-a-Jerk-SPOILERS-78882612#